
All posts for the month March, 2010

Shadowglass Giveaway- Winner! =)

Published March 31, 2010 by Nerdy_Faery

And here it goes, my first giveaway- Shadowglass by Erica Hayes. Thank you guys so much for participating! 

The winner is #8- Jennifer, who said:

Talk about cutting it close! Go me! HAH!

“Her personality is like syphilis.”

That is all.

YAY! Congrats Jennifer! Please send me your address to: ale_bodden11 (at) hotmail (dot) com

I promise that soon there will be another one! Oh yes there will be, trust me!! *Grin*

Shadowglass Giveaway!

Published March 25, 2010 by Nerdy_Faery

Hi! As you guys might [or not] know, I LOVE Erica Hayes’ books. Hell, you can even see it because she was one of my AAW’s pick. This lady is freaking awesome and her writings are sexi-licious and yummy-licious– Trust me, I love yummy things.

Enough of my ramblings and up to the point. When Shadowglass came out I went to B&N and got it as soon as I could, but it turns out that now I have two. They are both in perfect condition because I am OCD with my book collection. So I was wondering, why not share the goodness? I am willing to depart from one Shadowglass [the one I just got and have not touched] and send it to one lucky person who comments. The person will be picked randomly with’s help, of course.

Remember: This is the second book on Erica Hayes’ Shadowfae Chronicles [First one is Shadowfae]

What do I need to do, you might be asking yourself, I am sure you are. Well, since this is my first giveaway [yay!! My first time– Minds out of Gutterland, please] I decided to keep things easy. Just leave a funny comment, for my own sake [I just love laughing.] It can be something completely random. I am easily amused, so it is an easy task.

-Contest is open to U.S. & Canada. (Sorry)

-Winner does NOT have to pay for anything.

-And make sure to check back on this, because the winner will be posted in here!

Now… This will run until Tuesday March 30th, 2010- 11:59:59! Winner will be posted on Wednesday. =)

Good Luck to everyone! ^-^


Published March 22, 2010 by Nerdy_Faery

I know, I know– I have been slacking and I am sorry about it. School have been kicking my ass in more ways than one. And last week I was not able to read Cat’s Claw— not even a page! I am still on page 200-something, can you believe that? I *SMH* at myself. Also, this week I am starting H.P. Lovecraft’s The Call of the Cthulhu because I am going to write a paper on it for my L-Scholars Program. It is going to be kindda hard, so I guess I will not be having a nice and relaxing Spring Break *le sigh.*

Hopefully this week I will be able to finish it! [I promise I will try!] 



Author Appreciation Week, Day #5

Published March 19, 2010 by Nerdy_Faery

Image by @NovelNovice
Oooh! Today is the fifth and last day on AAW, and given the fact that I was not able to appreciate all the authors I wanted– today is going to be a special mention for all the authors I luv. I apologize because they are going to be short blurbs. =) [In no particular order]

J.R.R. Tolkien
Amazing author, and creator of the unique world in which Lord of the Rings develop. One of my favorite books ever– and newp, I cannot pick a favorite out of the three. I read the books a long time ago in Spanish [more than once, each] but still have not been able to read them in English and I still have them here [I borrowed them from a friend *hangs head in shame*] But I am so refreshing my mind soon to the greatness that is Lord of the Rings.

J.K. Rowling
OMG! If you know me, then you know how much I love Harry Potter. Amazing writer + awesome story = Great books and I want more! =P I do not need to say more, do I? Just know that I am a maniac when it comes to my lovely Harry Potter *grin.*

Carrie Jones
I do not NEED to say anything, right? She CAPTIVATEd me with her first book and not to mention how awesome she is.
Go and visit her in

Lisa Mantchev
To say that she is making me like Shakespeare now says it all. Yeah, you read it right! Me is more accepting of Shakespeare =P But really– Eyes Like Stars is one of the most unique books I have read, and this lovely lady is great as well.
Go and visit her

Kristin Cashore
Graceling was a very different book from the ones I have read, I was pleasantly surprised when I read it and it left me wanting more. Fire was amazing as well! I love her books.
Go and visit her
Well, I would love to stay and mention every author I admire, but this is going too long already– and I need to go and prepare for my midterm and write 2 papers! 

Author Appreciation Week, Day #4

Published March 18, 2010 by Nerdy_Faery

Image by @NovelNovice

Today, as y’all know, is day #4 on AAW! I decided to do something different– I want to dedicate this one to the writers who aspire to get published, the ones who are in the process, or newly published ones. I am sorry if this one is not as personal as the past three posts, but I know a lot of you guys and I have so much to say that I will never be done. Just know that I wish you all, darlings, the best of the best! And remember that the road is long and there are lots of huge rocks you will have to kick, and mountains you will have to climb along the way– But if you persevere, you will not regret anything because heaps of good stuff will come your way. Just believe in yourself and in everything you have to offer; do not forget that you have people who support you *raises hand and points at self whispering- Me!*

First, lets start with someone who just got published->

Laura Kreitzer

From fanfiction to a published author! What more can I say? I just got her book and read the beginning [I needed to read a bit– too much of a temptation *hangs head in shame*] and the bit I read, just left me wanting to read more. I seriously cannot wait until I finish doing all my work and finishing this pile of books so I can start Shadow of the Sun for real now. Ms. Kreitzer is super nice– I sincerely wish her all the best!
You can visit her over HERE!

Here goes to a friendie of mine who [I am sure] will get published->

Priscilla Shay [Pen-name]

I actually met her last semester on my ENG. LIT. 1 class, and let me just tell you– this girlie is smart and all kinds of cool [and reads- a lot.] Once I could not stop laughing in class thanks to her sarcastic comments about I do not remember what. And one day we started talking about books and yeah, the rest is history! I assure you, guys, that one day you will see her books on a shelf! You can go and read her story Willful Wisdom HERE! Believe me, this lovely girl is Ah-Mazing =)
You can visit her in

And, once again dear aspiring authors, remember that the key to getting published [most of the time] is trying… and then trying again– and again, and again, and again… [you get the point.] I know it is hard, I am one myself and sometimes all I want to do is curl up on my couch and wish I did not NEED writing as much as I do– but it is what I love doing so… Also, I know that negative critiques are always horrible and a major downer as well, but always there are going to be people who like your writing and people who do not– But those that like it, make up for those who do not and make this task even more speshul!

And I am going to stop babbling now… Much love and support to our ladies in here today! X’s &O’s!

Author Appreciation Week, Day #3

Published March 17, 2010 by Nerdy_Faery

Image by @NovelNovice
Well, today is Day #3 on AAW, and I have picked 3 authors that I have just started reading, well– last month. But still they are awesome and I cannot wait to read the rest of the series. And [in no particular order] lets start with:
Mark Henry  
Oh… I wanted to read this book since last year, and I got them signed on January- But was not able to read them until February. And let me just tell you guys, this was like freaking crack on pages! TRUST ME! I could not stop laughing or going like “ooooooooh..” Happy Hour of the Damned kept me glued to it until the end; and I still have not been able to read Book #2– Cannot wait! *hehe* And about Mr. Henry? Well, He is just freaking funny. I enjoy reading his tweets [and that sounds kindda wrong, but that might be my mind though,] but yeah… He is snarky and funny! What else can you ask for?
You can visit Mark Henry over
Dakota Cassidy
What can I say about this lovely lady? People, just follow her on twitter and you will understand my lack of words. One of the funnies people ever, and her comments on whatever she is watching at the moment are down right hilarious– and the hair talk, priceless if you ask me [not that I am that much of a stalker, but hey, it is twitter, they just pop up *wink*] But up to the serious part *clears throat.* Ms. Cassidy’s writing is phenomenal, and the story is amusing to no end, I mean- it is impossible to not like the book! It is great! =) And she is great and awesome with her fans, how can you not want to show some love to a great authoress? =P
You can visit Dakota Cassidy
Nicole Peeler
Again, another funny and snarky authoress! She is a professor and OMG! I want her to come to my school and give me classes! She was teaching John Donne the other day [John Donne was the poet that got me to like poetry, I mean– sexy and cool poems that get you thinking, but are easy to comprehend- FTW!] and like she posted “Donne is easy: ‘Donne wrote sexy poem about God and oddly religious poems about sex. The end.'” Easy enough, right? RIGHT! But, here is to another lovely lady who appreciated her fans as well! And about her book… Let me just tell you- AWESOME! I did not believe that Tempest Rising was her debut novel at first– That is how good it was! =)
You can visit Nicole Peeler
And here is to three amazing writers *CHEERS*
**Happy St. Patrick’s Day!** LOL [Newp, I did not wear anything green today– shame, I know]

Author Appreciation Week, Day #2

Published March 16, 2010 by Nerdy_Faery

Image by @NovelNovice

Today [Author Appreciation Week, Day #2] I am talking about to lovely writers:

Erica Hayes and Stacia Kane

And [in no particular order] lets begin with->

Erica Hayes

I first saw the book one day I went to B&N to buy no particular books [just to look around and see what book would capture my attention.] I usually roam around Urban Fantasy/Fiction, and that was when I saw this sexy-ass cover that was mostly red and black [my fave colors.] I read the title Shadowfae [Interesting, right?] and then read the back cover and I had to get that book. Before reading it, I cheated and stalked Ms. Hayes website and read Hellcursed, and right away I had to read Shadowfae. Needless to say, I loved the book and started following her over Twitter. She is amazing and very, very funny! She is a lovely person, and from my perspective, she has this great relationship with her fans! Her writing is awesome as well, so get her books –Sexay and the characters [cough-Kane-cough] are yummeh! Her books are on my top faves ever since. Thank you Erica for sharing your stories and amazing universe and characters with us. ❤

You can visit Erica over HERE!

Stacia Kane

Another lovely person, trust me! I literally stumbled across her site once because of one of her blog posts, and started following her on twitter [THIS was the post, LOL.] At first I really did not know she was an author, but when I started paying attention to her site, I got the point. I read her book, Personal Demons on February and I had to buy the rest of the series right away– One of my fave book series I must say! I loved the universe she created, I mean– It is one of my fave subjects to write and read about-> Demons! And the characters are amazing as well. I cried so much on the last book, not only because of everything that happens, but also because it was the last book; that fact alone broke my heart. But she is pretty cool, and also she is awesome to her fans. So, Ms. Kane, thank you so much for your stories, and for sharing them with us.

You can visit Stacia over HERE!
Once again, Ladies, thank you for being such great authors! =)

Author Appreciation Week, Day 1- J. Morgan & Anton Strout

Published March 15, 2010 by Nerdy_Faery

Image by @NovelNovice

As you guys might or might not know, this is the first official day of the Author Appreciation Week, which was proclaimed by Heidi R. Kling over Twitter on Saturday [I think it was] and you can see the whole post on her LJ HERE! The main point is to show some love in direction of those writers who have provided us with the most fabulous escape– Books, the written world! And for all those nights you guys spent writing, and editing those manuscripts, I want you to know that I am eternally gratefull that you shared them with us [fans.] Thank you for giving us great part of your time, and helping us forget reality for a bit.

Today– Day 1, I have two very speshul authors:

J. Morgan & Anton Strout


In no particular order [since both of them are completely amazing] I will start with:

J. Mo!!

I stumbled across J. Mo. quite some time ago over facebook. Before adding him, I searched for his books, and I read How Wickeder Can She Go? [Which I loved– Just sayin’] and after that the only question hanging was: “How can I not add him?” I mean, c’mon– If you read his books, you will understand what I mean [can you not see it on the picture?? Pretty obvious if you ask me; and look, it is a Sponge Bob Cake!]. The guy is as funny as they get and the books reflect that perfectly! There was no time when I stopped laughing when I read what he writes.

Now with last, but not least:


Anton Strout
(Mr. Strout, Can I use this picture, please? TYVM)

Okay, I think y’all understand why I chose this picture *giggles*– I mean, how can you not like something that an author like him [cough-zombie-cough] writes? I am sure he writes from personal experience, being a zombie and all… But seriously now, getting Anton’s Dead To Me was the hardest task ever, and getting to meet him at the NYC ComicCon was even worst– Long story short, I did not get to meet him those days. But I am glad I kept on trying because Simon is now my fictional boyfriend [I do not think he knows, neither does Jane.] Like J. Mo, his books are filled with humor, and most importantly–> Sarcasm, snarkiness, and wittiness! Awesome much? And to top it of, he even signed my Dead Matter copy as the Diva– even after my stalking and bugging! *Grin*

Both, J. Mo and Anton apart from being great writers are amazing people and inspiring role models [at least for me, working and writing at the same time is not an easy task, but they both manage,] not to mention that they are completely patient when I find them lurking over FB and ask them for some sort of advice! Thank you, dear authors, for being so amazing and sharing your time with me and your other fans. Thank you for giving me [us] the most amazing present anyone can give me [us]– an escape in Bookland! I wish you both the best of the best and lots of success and happiness! Hope you can feel the love from this “humble” fan over here -heehee *hides pies behind her back waiting for them to come forward and smash it in their faces*-. *hugs to both*

Some might ask why is it that I like their books so much, and being honest– apart from the awesome sauce spilled on those written words, their books appeared in a moment that… lets say that they each came at the right moment! And they helped me in some way, even if at moments it was just with laughter. Like I say, even the smallest help is help at least. So I sincerely thank you both– So much! X’s and O’s! 

Recs (meaning the books I have read from them, which are grrrreeeaaat!)->

  • J. Morgan -> How Wickeder Can She Go?, Love at First Stake (Love Bites, Book 1) and Love to Stake Another Day (Love Bites, Book 2)

You can Visit J. Morgan’s Lair, HERE!!

  • Anton Strout-> Simon Canderous Series: Dead to Me, Deader Still, and Dead Matter. Also his short stories on the following anthologies: Zombie Raccoons and Killer Bunnies (“for lizzie,”) The Dimension Next Door, Spells of the City (“Stannis,”) and A Girl’s Guide to Guns and Monsters (“Lupercalia.”)

You can Anton Strout’s Undead Approved Mad Scribblings in HERE!!

Show your support and love to this authors, trust me– you guys will not regret it! =D

This is also posted on my personal blog-> HERE!

“Fallen” by Lauren Kate

Published March 14, 2010 by Nerdy_Faery
Fallen by Lauren Kate

  •   Reading level: Young Adult
  •   Hardcover: 464 pages
  •   Publisher: Delacorte Books for Young Readers (December 8, 2009)
  •   Language: English
  •   ISBN-10: 0385738935
  •   ISBN-13: 978-0385738934
Some Angels are Destined to Fall

There’s something achingly familiar about Daniel Grigori.
Mysterious and aloof, he captures Luce Price’s attention from the moment she sees him on her first day at the Sword & Cross boarding school in sultry Savannah, Georgia. He’s the one bright spot in a place where cell phones are forbidden, the other students are all screw-ups, and security cameras watch every move.

Even though Daniel wants nothing to do with Luce–and goes out of his way to make that very clear–she can’t let it go. Drawn to him like a moth to a flame, she has to find out what Daniel is so desperate to keep secret . . . even if it kills her.

Luce Price has been through a lot after her “boyfriend’s” mysterious death. Now she has to go to Sword & Cross -a boarding school for kids who are on probation—where they are watched 24/7. Here she meets many different kids who, like her, have been sent to keep a watch on them. A charming young man, Cam, likes her and wants her to be with him; but Luce likes Daniel Grigori, someone who apparently does not return the feeling. Weird things start to happen and what she thought were normal people turn out to be something else- creatures she never thought existed.
First, I have to talk about the cover- one of the most beautiful covers I have seen. The characters are well developed and the plot is pretty solid as well. The writing is not confusing, Ms. Kate gives a good amount of details so we know what is happening, yet we want to found out more about the situation she is presenting us. I liked most of the characters, but Cam and Arriane were my faves. And the love triangle between Cam, Luce and Daniel is quite interesting.
The story starts slow, and it is that way for at least half of the book [which might be in order to give us a good background on the story]. But trust me when I say that it is worth it when you reach the best parts. Throughout the whole story Ms. Kate keeps you thinking, giving you bread crumbs of information that connect to each other.
Fallen was an enchanting story, and I cannot wait for the next book to see what is going to happen. I must admit though, I do have conflicting ideas about this book, but I cannot post them here [spoiler-ish.] But all in all it was an enjoyable read. I would love to see where Ms. Kate goes with the story.

You can visit Lauren Kate’s website-> HERE!

“Demon Possessed” by Stacia Kane

Published March 12, 2010 by Nerdy_Faery
Demon Possessed by Stacia Kane 

• Mass Market Paperback: 336 pages
• Publisher: Pocket (February 23, 2010)
• Language: English
• ISBN-10: 1439167613
• ISBN-13: 978-1439167618

Psychologist and psychic Megan Chase has grown remarkably comfortable hanging out with demons. The demon “family” she leads is happy, her solo practice is stabilizing, and she and her steamy demon lover, Greyson Dante, are closer than ever. But when the couple books a week at a luxury hotel to attend a meeting of demon leaders, some unanticipated problems appear. An FBI agent with an unhealthy interest in less-than-legitimate demon business practices shows up; the demon community is urging Megan to undergo the rite that will make her a real demon; and a slightly shady minister is holding one of his wildly popular “weekend exorcisms” just down the road. And oh, yes, someone with scary magical abilities is attempting to kill her. Then, just when it seems as if things couldn’t possibly get any worse, a secret comes to light that could jeopardize Megan and Greyson’s future — if Megan manages to live that long. With things heating up, it’s becoming difficult for her to keep a cool head…

Megan is still adamant on completing the ritual that will make her a real demon, and now Greyson is sneakily pressuring her to do so. But when FBI agents start appearing at her office, things turn grimy once again. The summit of the Demon Houses is already here and all sorts of weird events are starting to happen. There is more emphasis in Megan and Greyson’s relationship, but something goes wrong and Megan discovers that her demon boyfriend is hiding something very important from her… Now personal problems and love problems are mixed up, and adding up are some exciting events and new creatures. Will this really be Megan Chase’s last book?

Demon Possessed was a total surprise. Very little of what happened in the book was actually predictable. Megan has grown up and is more independent, not relying on Greyson as much anymore. Greyson now demonstrates a weakness, something we had not seen before. The relationship between the two starts of even stronger, but something happens—What could it be? All of the sudden we are thrown off in the middle between them, biting our nails and praying for things to get fixed. Also we see more of our favorite characters: Malleus, Maleficarum, Spud, and Roc! Not to mention Tera, Nick, and Brian.

The book is fast paced with all types of turns—a new surprise with every turning page. We meet new creatures and explore more of that unique world of demons that Ms. Kane has created. As always, the action scenes were amazingly detailed and completely enthralling as the sexy ones.

I should come out and say that Demon Possessed made me cry like a wussy at some point, not to mention my screaming at some character, my cussing at others, or my random surprised gasps that made everyone who was around me go nuts. Someone had told me that the ending was fantastic, and I could not agree more, it was SPECTACULAR! I really could not tell what was going to happen at any point in this book, and it hurt when I had to stop reading in order to do some other stuff. It broke my heart when I read [somewhere I do not remember] that this was the last book in the series; I am going to miss Greyson! I think this couple is one of my favorite couples ever. Loved the book!
You can visit Stacia Kane’s website-> HERE!