dead to me

All posts tagged dead to me

Dead to Me- Winner!

Published May 2, 2010 by Nerdy_Faery

OMG! Sorry for the lateness!

Thank you guys so much for entering the contest- I loooved every answer posted in there. =)

Eek– *insert dramatic song* And the winner is: #2-> Arianna, who said:

To me, what makes a person attractive is that moment when your standing or sitting down….and you turn around because your friend says that cute guy is staring at you. So you look over and he smiles at you & you smile back. That smile is what makes the person attractive. A smile can say so much, that a frown can never say.

Congratsies Arianna! Hope you like… Sorry, I am sure you are going to love this book! It is awesome, and Simon is all sorts of yummy, not to mention that Mr. Strout is one great author. Please send me your address to: ale_bodden11 (at) hotmail (dot) com

Interview with Anton Strout- Happy Book Bithday

Published February 24, 2010 by Nerdy_Faery

Have you guys heard about the Simon Canderous Series by Anton Strout?


Of course you have heard of it! Well, guess what? Today we have a guest, well: more than one actually. Wait for it… Anton Strout is here with us! Thanks to @SimonCanderous on Twitter. Naturally, Simon is helping me co-host this… should I call it interview? 

(Ale) Pick a color, Simon
(Simon) Blue

(Simon sez) then why don’t we get on with it?
(Ale) That is what she said *giggles*
(Simon sez) really, Alejandra?
(Ale) *Sobers up* yeah, yer right… So, give it up for Anton Strout *Applause*

-Anton enters the stage

Interview under the cut =)