Priscilla Shay

All posts tagged Priscilla Shay

Author Appreciation Week, Day #4

Published March 18, 2010 by Nerdy_Faery

Image by @NovelNovice

Today, as y’all know, is day #4 on AAW! I decided to do something different– I want to dedicate this one to the writers who aspire to get published, the ones who are in the process, or newly published ones. I am sorry if this one is not as personal as the past three posts, but I know a lot of you guys and I have so much to say that I will never be done. Just know that I wish you all, darlings, the best of the best! And remember that the road is long and there are lots of huge rocks you will have to kick, and mountains you will have to climb along the way– But if you persevere, you will not regret anything because heaps of good stuff will come your way. Just believe in yourself and in everything you have to offer; do not forget that you have people who support you *raises hand and points at self whispering- Me!*

First, lets start with someone who just got published->

Laura Kreitzer

From fanfiction to a published author! What more can I say? I just got her book and read the beginning [I needed to read a bit– too much of a temptation *hangs head in shame*] and the bit I read, just left me wanting to read more. I seriously cannot wait until I finish doing all my work and finishing this pile of books so I can start Shadow of the Sun for real now. Ms. Kreitzer is super nice– I sincerely wish her all the best!
You can visit her over HERE!

Here goes to a friendie of mine who [I am sure] will get published->

Priscilla Shay [Pen-name]

I actually met her last semester on my ENG. LIT. 1 class, and let me just tell you– this girlie is smart and all kinds of cool [and reads- a lot.] Once I could not stop laughing in class thanks to her sarcastic comments about I do not remember what. And one day we started talking about books and yeah, the rest is history! I assure you, guys, that one day you will see her books on a shelf! You can go and read her story Willful Wisdom HERE! Believe me, this lovely girl is Ah-Mazing =)
You can visit her in

And, once again dear aspiring authors, remember that the key to getting published [most of the time] is trying… and then trying again– and again, and again, and again… [you get the point.] I know it is hard, I am one myself and sometimes all I want to do is curl up on my couch and wish I did not NEED writing as much as I do– but it is what I love doing so… Also, I know that negative critiques are always horrible and a major downer as well, but always there are going to be people who like your writing and people who do not– But those that like it, make up for those who do not and make this task even more speshul!

And I am going to stop babbling now… Much love and support to our ladies in here today! X’s &O’s!