mark henry

All posts tagged mark henry

Author Appreciation Week, Day #3

Published March 17, 2010 by Nerdy_Faery

Image by @NovelNovice
Well, today is Day #3 on AAW, and I have picked 3 authors that I have just started reading, well– last month. But still they are awesome and I cannot wait to read the rest of the series. And [in no particular order] lets start with:
Mark Henry  
Oh… I wanted to read this book since last year, and I got them signed on January- But was not able to read them until February. And let me just tell you guys, this was like freaking crack on pages! TRUST ME! I could not stop laughing or going like “ooooooooh..” Happy Hour of the Damned kept me glued to it until the end; and I still have not been able to read Book #2– Cannot wait! *hehe* And about Mr. Henry? Well, He is just freaking funny. I enjoy reading his tweets [and that sounds kindda wrong, but that might be my mind though,] but yeah… He is snarky and funny! What else can you ask for?
You can visit Mark Henry over
Dakota Cassidy
What can I say about this lovely lady? People, just follow her on twitter and you will understand my lack of words. One of the funnies people ever, and her comments on whatever she is watching at the moment are down right hilarious– and the hair talk, priceless if you ask me [not that I am that much of a stalker, but hey, it is twitter, they just pop up *wink*] But up to the serious part *clears throat.* Ms. Cassidy’s writing is phenomenal, and the story is amusing to no end, I mean- it is impossible to not like the book! It is great! =) And she is great and awesome with her fans, how can you not want to show some love to a great authoress? =P
You can visit Dakota Cassidy
Nicole Peeler
Again, another funny and snarky authoress! She is a professor and OMG! I want her to come to my school and give me classes! She was teaching John Donne the other day [John Donne was the poet that got me to like poetry, I mean– sexy and cool poems that get you thinking, but are easy to comprehend- FTW!] and like she posted “Donne is easy: ‘Donne wrote sexy poem about God and oddly religious poems about sex. The end.'” Easy enough, right? RIGHT! But, here is to another lovely lady who appreciated her fans as well! And about her book… Let me just tell you- AWESOME! I did not believe that Tempest Rising was her debut novel at first– That is how good it was! =)
You can visit Nicole Peeler
And here is to three amazing writers *CHEERS*
**Happy St. Patrick’s Day!** LOL [Newp, I did not wear anything green today– shame, I know]

Happy Hour of the Damned

Published February 3, 2010 by Nerdy_Faery

Happy Hour of the Damned by Mark Henry

Paperback: 336 pages
Publisher: Kensington; Reprint edition (February 2, 2010)
ISBN-10: 0758225237
ISBN-13: 978-0758225238

Seattle. One minute you’re drinking a vanilla breve, the next, some creepy old dude is breathing on you, turning you into a zombie. And that’s just for starters. Now, the recently deceased Amanda Feral is trying to make her way through Seattle’s undead scene with style (mortuary-grade makeup, six-inch stilettos, Balenciaga handbag on sale) while satisfying her craving for human flesh [Don’t judge. And no, not like chicken.) and decent vodkatinis.

Making her way through a dangerous world of cloud-doped bloodsuckers, reapers,horny and horned devils, werewolves, celebrities, and PR-obsessed shapeshifters-not to mention an extremely hot bartender named Ricardo-isn’t easy. And the minute one of Amanda’s undead friends disappears after texting the word, “help” (The undead-so dramatic!) she knows the afterlife is about to get really ugly.

Something sinister is at hand. Someone or something is hell bent on turning Seattle’s undead underworld into a place of true terror. And this time, Amanda may meet a fate a lot worse than death…

I had read excerpts and some reviews. I do hate spoilers, but I could not help myself… Yes, I can fall into temptation when there are zombies involved and even unicorns [not that there are unicorns in the book, just saying]. I have been following [or stalking if you prefer] Mr. Henry over on FaceBook and Twitter, and let me just say that doing so was what convinced me to read the book. I mean, with those constant snarky and witty twit’s [hey, that can make a good insult, too] he proved that he can write some good books. I thank sweetness I decided to read it because it was amazing!

I read on my way to school, at the office, on my way back home and then at home… And sweet, sweet zombies *insert smile* it kept me laughing at all times and wondering what the hell was going to happen.  The characters are f*cking fantastic, they even reminded me of my friends at times. And their conversations? OMG!! That was me and my besties going out to the bar or to the restaurant… *geez* But for real now… Amanda is one helluva character! I just loved her, such a strong personality and sarcastic, which is a major win for me.  And Gil… Well *insert heart* hehe…

What really got to me was the way the book was written. I loved the recipes, and the footnotes? Let me just say that I was looking forward to every page because of the footnotes. Those were completely amazing! Well… since I do not want to spoil any of it for yah, I should shut up now before going into specifics about the story *tries to stop writing*. Just know that he creates this magnificent world in Seattle that I wish I could see in a movie and read more about with zombies, vamps, ghouls… [fascinating creatures if you ask me –wink]…  *Thankful of having the next book*

So guys… I leave you with this-> GO AND GET THE F*CKING BOOK… NOOOOW!!!! Thank you very much

You can visit Mark Henry’s website HERE!

And do not forget to save Amanda ^-^

X’s and O’s